Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kitts Beach and stuff.

Tricks with mirrors are fun. :P

I took these yesterday at Kitsilano beach - comments, suggestions?

This bark was actually purpley silver, it's not creative editing. I don't know what kind of tree it is, maybe some kind of birch. But it was beautiful.


  1. Very cool! I like these a lot - especially the first and third. Is that you in the mirror?

  2. Tis, the photographer. It's a self portrait I guess.

  3. You are OURAGEOUSLY beautiful!!! AARGHH!!! Just... >.< I need to take pictures of you. >.<

  4. *is dubious* Let's just say that I think certain camera angles are more flattering than say... watching someone slurp soup... or stuff a large sushi roll into their mouth.
    But thanks. :P
